Leaderboard Update
3 years ago
New Mexico, USA

Not many will see this, however I feel it is important to let the Speedrunning community know about the recent changes we've made to this game's leaderboard.

We have removed the difficulty on this game and decided to just run on Hard. This decision was made by the moderators because we felt the leaderboards were a bit too cluttered and very difficult to follow. We also felt as the RNG that is associated with the difficulty to be very minimal and pretty much unnoticed that runs did not feel affected by this.

RNG is going to happen regardless due to NPC's that love to get in your way and get items that will harm you, and those items cannot be turned off unfortunately. The difficulty shows no change to the items but does show change to the rubber banding effect the balls have. May change the course of the run but you shouldn't lose a significant amount of time with the rubber banding.

Thank you for understanding, feel free to ask any question you may have!

New Mexico, USA

I also couldn't fit it all into the main forum, but for those who had runs on Easy and Medium prior to this change, we will honor your run onto the leaderboards even though they did not meet the "Hard" criteria. We can't let your hard work go to waste which is why we accepted it. :)

However, new runs will be required to run on Hard. You do not need to get 100% on the runs, just complete it as you're able to.

Also for those who had multiple runs on Easy and Medium, we accepted your best run of the two and rejected the other. Apologies for the inconvenience of seeing your run rejected. :(

United States

Sounds like a decent middle-ground. I'll admit I don't know how much the difficulty setting really impacts things. But I do appreciate streamlined information, and boards without a bunch of bloat.

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