Javascript AFL?

Where's the javascript AFL category? It's stupid if you can only do it with flash.

United Kingdom

The Java script version can be updated at any time, which can add or remove levels, or change key physics. This might obsolete the entire leaderboard after an update, hence why the only AFL version is flash. If they stop updating it at some point we might add it.

aggeL vinden dit leuk

Also even if the game itself stops getting updates the players rating levels can change the level order which will also obsolete the runs because they all have to be done in the same order

aggeL vinden dit leuk

they all have to be done in the same order "

Why though.


Michael_00006, will you approve a JS AFL run if it was recorded before key physics changes, it follows the order and it was submitted in the 1.87 category?


The order is for verification purposes


will you approve a JS AFL run if it was recorded before key physics changes, it follows the order and it was submitted in the 1.87 category?

That's not exactly the point, as in the issue isn't if it was recorded before a key physics change, but the fact that those key changes CAN occur after your run. If you do a run on an ever-changing and expanding version it is bound to be changed at some point. You could do a run and 2 days later a game-altering update could happen, which would require the need for an entire separate leaderboard to distinguish old and newer versions, thus overloading an already pretty inactive category with a shit ton of leaderboards for no reason. 1.70 and 1.87 is pretty much all you need. If support is ended for JS then it can be added as a category, but currently the 2 stable and not-subject-to-change versions are the ones used. If a JS version were to be archived and be accessible offline in a manner similar to the flash archives that might also lead us to adding it. It's not necessarily the version difference that's the problem, it's the fact it's hosted on TJF and is still being updated and supported.

Flash is REALLY easy to setup. If that's your issue, we'd be more than happy to help you set it up. It'll be a lot more convenient for play for you too in the long run. Feel free to join us in the discord if you want more direct help, otherwise shooting me or any active mod a DM can also help you out with that!

Edit: Another MAJOR issue with current JS that I forgot about and Lethal brought to my attention is that one of the levels, Happy Green Hills, is not playable in Javascript, and by the looks of it it probably won't be for the foreseeable future. So you couldn't actually do a full run of all 1.87 levels in JS, cause you can't play HGH on java

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 months ago
RafHW en Michael_00006 vindt dit leuk
United Kingdom

To answer your questions about why, in a 4+ hour category (for beginners), it's unlikely for a moderator to watch the whole thing, and if you're constantly changing what levels you play, it's hard for us to keep track of which levels you have or haven't played.

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