How To Build A Snowman Guide
How To Build A Snowman Guide
Geüpdatet 1 year ago door Beekaizer

Outdated, will revise when less lazy

House segment: As soon as you press play spam space, you want to get through the text asap

snowturn explenation: You can start and instantly release a snowball roll to turn around 170 degrees, you can use this to almost instaturn during and after cutscenes and in a few cases while youre moving normally

You want to roll 3 snowballs and start a 4th, once you get out of the cutscene, release the snowball rolling to do a snowturn and get the carrot, next is the hat which you can grab from the hallway, then the scarf which is annoying, the rocks which you want to do a snowturn at after walking backwards and reaching the corner of the shack, then the heart which can be reached from the bedframe

Stand by the left side of the door of the shed after giving the snowman the heart and look at him, you dont have to go in the shed As soon as he dissapears, run to him, spam space and hold right, you want to move asap to get out the door after the window cutscene Turn left to where the rocks previously were once you leave the house, stand on the blue trail, as soon as it autoturns you, turn left asap and run into the house into your room. You want to stay as close to the left as possible when entering your room. Look at the bookshelf, activate the words, walk backwards to the door about one step so the bookshelf moves, then run into the basement.

Basement segment: Through the hall, go straight, turn right, then left and weave through the pillar to the next hallway, this saves about a second or two of time. Run straight through the dark onto the platform.

(There is a hypothetical "Elevator skip" for the previous portion but it is hard to explain and for the meantime doesnt save time so i wont be explaining it till its a viable strategy)

(Rock Walk - Discovered by Intharth) the rock second to the left on the far right of the bit on the ground blocking you is walkoverable, go to the right corner of it, hold left and forward. doing this saves a second but if you fail loses about 6 so do it to your own risk. Explaining it is hard so if my newest run is updates you can see it there.

When it drops run into the room (either with a rockwalk or normally) and roll a snowball and put it on the snow so a snowman spawns, do a snowball cancel, roll a snowball over to the snowman, do two more snowball cancels, roll the last one to the pedestal and run into the room with ons' thasnou and spam space as you enter the door. Keep spamming space till he throws you, when you fall stop spamming and run, turn right twice and run to the arrow pointing down. When it opens turn left, when you reach the end of the hallway hold right so youre up against the wall, face it, run diaganolly, when you fall go into the room and spam space until the game ends.

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