1 year ago
Pennsylvania, USA

This little board has grown to 14 runners (including what's in the pending queue at this moment).

As the competition heats up and the world record gets driven lower and lower, we've finally reached the point where we have 2 pending runs that, under the current scoring system, would TIE for 1st place at 56 seconds each.

I'm proposing adding milliseconds to the timing for this board for runs under 1 minute. This would likely break the tie in the queue, giving one of the runners the undisputed record, and I would only have to re-time 2 of the other runs on the board today.

I want to give the rest of the community the opportunity to chime in if you have a different idea how this should work. Please let me know your thoughts ASAP so I can get to verifying and retiming!

Should we:

  1. Add milliseconds for ALL runs
  2. Add milliseconds for runs under 1 minute
  3. Leave the timing alone
  4. Something else
ShesChardcore vinden dit leuk
Denver, CO, USA

I vote 2 since this might catch some popularity among the prolific points hunters

buffalax en Bokonon_Lives vindt dit leuk
United States

2 works. Gg char!

buffalax, hollygorock en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
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Geplaatst 1 year ago
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