Tijd splits
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# | Naam | Tussentijd | Voltooid op |
1 | The Cousins Bellic | 1m 00s 094ms | 1m 00s 094ms |
2 | It's Your Call | 3m 05s 403ms | 4m 05s 497ms |
3 | Three's a Crowd | 2m 18s 999ms | 6m 24s 496ms |
4 | Bleed Out | 1m 53s 842ms | 8m 18s 338ms |
5 | First Date | 2m 02s 689ms | 10m 21s 027ms |
6 | (Roman text) Easy Fare | 2m 32s 807ms | 12m 53s 834ms |
7 | (Unknown call) Bull In A China Shop | 1m 48s 482ms | 14m 42s 316ms |
8 | Jamaican Heat | 2m 20s 580ms | 17m 02s 896ms |
9 | (call Jacob, call Roman) Concrete Jungle | 2m 44s 603ms | 19m 47s 499ms |
10 | (Vlad text) Hung Out to Dry | 1m 09s 688ms | 20m 57s 187ms |
11 | Clean Getaway | 2m 24s 011ms | 23m 21s 198ms |
12 | Ivan the Not So Terrible | 1m 14s 593ms | 24m 35s 791ms |
13 | Uncle Vlad | 1m 50s 343ms | 26m 26s 134ms |
14 | (call Roman) Crime and Punishment | 3m 11s 498ms | 29m 37s 632ms |
15 | (call Roman) Do You Have Protection? | 2m 15s 731ms | 31m 53s 363ms |
16 | (Jacob text) Final Destination | 1m 07s 001ms | 33m 00s 364ms |
17 | (Roman text) No Love Lost | 1m 04s 544ms | 34m 04s 908ms |
18 | Logging On Goud | 0m 37s 250ms | 34m 42s 158ms |
19 | Shadow | 1m 54s 403ms | 36m 36s 561ms |
20 | (call Jacob) Rigged to Blow | 3m 16s 331ms | 39m 52s 892ms |
21 | (call Roman x2) The Master and the Molotov | 1m 26s 418ms | 41m 19s 310ms |
22 | (Roman call) Search and Delete | 1m 58s 136ms | 43m 17s 446ms |
23 | Easy as Can Be | 1m 42s 518ms | 44m 59s 964ms |
24 | (call Dimitri) Russian Revolution | 2m 10s 838ms | 47m 10s 802ms |
25 | (call Roman) Roman's Sorrow | 2m 01s 686ms | 49m 12s 488ms |
26 | (Brucie text) Escuela of the Streets | 4m 22s 059ms | 53m 34s 547ms |
27 | (Jacob text) Street Sweeper | 1m 27s 420ms | 55m 01s 967ms |
28 | (call Mallorie) Luck of the Irish | 1m 46s 954ms | 56m 48s 921ms |
29 | (Brucie text) Blow Your Cover | 4m 17s 213ms | 1h 01m 06s 134ms |
30 | (Roman call) Out of the Closet... | 1m 10s 608ms | 1h 02m 16s 742ms |
31 | (Playboy text/RPG) The Puerto Rican Connection | 2m 43s 092ms | 1h 04m 59s 834ms |
32 | (Unknown text) Deconstruction For Beginners | 2m 00s 994ms | 1h 07m 00s 828ms |
33 | (call Playboy) Photo Shoot | 0m 51s 880ms | 1h 07m 52s 708ms |
34 | (call Elizabeta) The Snow Storm | 2m 45s 418ms | 1h 10m 38s 126ms |
35 | (Brucie text) Have a Heart | 1m 01s 126ms | 1h 11m 39s 252ms |
36 | (Michelle call, Mallorie call) Call and Collect | 3m 19s 870ms | 1h 14m 59s 122ms |
37 | t(Mallorie call, Francis text) Final Interview... | 1m 40s 502ms | 1h 16m 39s 624ms |
38 | trip Overgeslagen | — | — |
39 | (Unknown call/L) Wrong is Right | 2m 11s 827ms | 1h 18m 51s 451ms |
40 | Date Overgeslagen | — | — |
41 | (Lawyers call/U) Portrait of a Killer | 1m 53s 871ms | 1h 20m 45s 322ms |
42 | dwayne Overgeslagen | — | — |
43 | (Brucie text/M) Harboring a Grudge | 5m 28s 619ms | 1h 26m 13s 941ms |
44 | (Mallorie call/B) Dust Off | 5m 30s 822ms | 1h 31m 44s 763ms |
45 | (Packie text) Waste Not Want Knots | 4m 23s 870ms | 1h 36m 08s 633ms |
46 | (call Packie, Packie text) Overgeslagen | — | — |
47 | (call Mallorie) Hostile Negotiation | 3m 07s 154ms | 1h 39m 15s 787ms |
48 | (Francis text, Unknown call) Interview Goud | 2m 08s 833ms | 1h 41m 24s 620ms |
49 | (Roman text) Holland Nights | 1m 40s 402ms | 1h 43m 05s 022ms |
50 | (@SoboHoe) Overgeslagen | — | — |
51 | (U.L. Paper call) Paper Trail | 3m 37s 009ms | 1h 46m 42s 031ms |
52 | (Roman call) Three Leaf Clover (@6-19) | 6m 32s 623ms | 1h 53m 14s 654ms |
53 | (call Kate, call Packie, Jacob text) A Long Way To Fall | 2m 46s 855ms | 1h 56m 01s 509ms |
54 | (Unknown call) Taking in the Trash | 4m 30s 725ms | 2h 00m 32s 234ms |
55 | (Dimitri call) Meltdown | 4m 32s 143ms | 2h 05m 04s 377ms |
56 | Museum Piece | 1m 41s 531ms | 2h 06m 45s 908ms |
57 | No Way On The Subway | 2m 33s 088ms | 2h 09m 18s 996ms |
58 | Lure | 2m 33s 911ms | 2h 11m 52s 907ms |
59 | (call Ray) Weekend at Florian's | 2m 48s 507ms | 2h 14m 41s 414ms |
60 | Smackdown | 3m 23s 167ms | 2h 18m 04s 581ms |
61 | (Ray text) Babysitting | 4m 14s 904ms | 2h 22m 19s 485ms |
62 | (U.L. Paper call) Actions Speak Louder Than Words | 7m 37s 160ms | 2h 29m 56s 645ms |
63 | (Unknown call) I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots and Your Motorcycle | 2m 32s 036ms | 2h 32m 28s 681ms |
64 | (Mallorie call) Late Checkout | 2m 39s 544ms | 2h 35m 08s 225ms |
65 | Tunnel of Death | 8m 41s 243ms | 2h 43m 49s 468ms |
66 | (Ray text, Francis text) Blood Brothers | 2m 41s 656ms | 2h 46m 31s 124ms |
67 | Hating the Haters | 2m 23s 840ms | 2h 48m 54s 964ms |
68 | ammo Overgeslagen | — | — |
69 | (Packie call) Undertaker (@6-19) | 4m 14s 462ms | 2h 53m 09s 426ms |
70 | (Roman call) Truck Hustle | 3m 13s 581ms | 2h 56m 23s 007ms |
71 | (Packie text, Unknown call) I'll Take Her... | 2m 53s 085ms | 2h 59m 16s 092ms |
72 | (call Mob Daughter) ...I'll Take Her (@8-21) | 2m 39s 233ms | 3h 01m 55s 325ms |
73 | (call Bell) Pegorino's Pride | 5m 25s 682ms | 3h 07m 21s 007ms |
74 | (Jimmy text) Union Drive Goud | 2m 30s 048ms | 3h 09m 51s 055ms |
75 | Payback | 2m 04s 858ms | 3h 11m 55s 913ms |
76 | {U.L. Paper, Ray, Dimitri, Brucie, Kate, Packie call} Catch the Wave | 8m 38s 396ms | 3h 20m 34s 309ms |
77 | Flatline | 1m 57s 735ms | 3h 22m 32s 044ms |
78 | Trespass | 2m 19s 404ms | 3h 24m 51s 448ms |
79 | (Bernie text) Buoys Ahoy | 3m 16s 931ms | 3h 28m 08s 379ms |
80 | To Live and Die in Alderney | 5m 04s 017ms | 3h 33m 12s 396ms |
81 | Entourage Goud | 2m 36s 148ms | 3h 35m 48s 544ms |
82 | (Ray text) Pest Control... | 0m 47s 921ms | 3h 36m 36s 465ms |
83 | RANSOM | 0m 32s 115ms | 3h 37m 08s 580ms |
84 | (Pegorino call) ...Pest Control | 1m 03s 309ms | 3h 38m 11s 889ms |
85 | (call Bernie) Dining Out | 1m 33s 255ms | 3h 39m 45s 144ms |
86 | (Packie text) Liquidize the Assets Goud | 2m 31s 676ms | 3h 42m 16s 820ms |
87 | She's a Keeper | 2m 06s 841ms | 3h 44m 23s 661ms |
88 | (U.L. Paper call) That Special Someone | 1m 45s 608ms | 3h 46m 09s 269ms |
89 | Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend Goud | 5m 05s 949ms | 3h 51m 15s 218ms |
90 | (call Pegorino) One Last Thing... | 0m 42s 407ms | 3h 51m 57s 625ms |
91 | A Dish Served Cold | 2m 38s 855ms | 3h 54m 36s 480ms |
92 | (Packie text, Bell call, Kate call) Mr. and Mrs. Bellic | 3m 08s 733ms | 3h 57m 45s 213ms |
93 | In Mourning | 0m 30s 233ms | 3h 58m 15s 446ms |
94 | (Jacob text, call Jacob) Out of Commission | 6m 42s 730ms | 4h 04m 58s 176ms |
All Jumps January ends in a BLAZE OF GLORY
All Jumps January, a highly-praised speedrunning event by the philanthropist extraordinaire zazzlebar, has finally reached its end, leaving the brave new runners with pockets full of cash.
After a month of drama, blood, sweat and tears, the five most worthy contestants will finally get the reward
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