Report runs
4 years ago
Victoria, Australia

This thread is for the following:

Reporting runs that seem cheated, spliced, edited ect.

Reporting runs that has incorrect time or needs retiming.

Reporting runs that have had their videos removed by the uploader.

Reporting anything else seems bad/suspicious

Happy Speedrunning, and also happy new year!


The 7th place run for Gumball Tilt does not complete the game.

Victoria, Australia


Deleted, thanks

Can you please retime my run here? The current record holder there had said to retime mine, and I retimed it and I think it might be faster than it originally said- so if you could please do that, that would be great, thanks!

sadkay vinden dit leuk
Victoria, Australia

@EnderRedstone Retimed to 2s 033ms

sadkay vinden dit leuk

Thank you!

sadkay en Starlight vindt dit leuk
Hong Kong

yeh thanks for retiming enderredstone's run

United States

My 23-second 2500 point run on Rudolf Racer was accidentially put into the 10k points category. It's basically a fake world record right now, and I don't want it to be like that.

United States

In Snowball Storm Level 5 speedrun, 1st place has a time of 21s even though 2nd place is 9s.

Victoria, Australia

@Plasmath @Tyler_W

Both fixed, thanks!

Victoria, Australia

@Plasmath @Tyler_W

Both fixed, thanks!

Victoria, Australia

@Plasmath @Tyler_W

Both fixed, thanks!

Victoria, Australia

@ThunderDragon2 fixed thanks

ThunderDragon2 vinden dit leuk
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