Adding Fastflags to your Bloxstrap
1 month ago

Around a month ago a new rule was introduced by @uchi, showing how you could add fastflags to your main Roblox ClientSettings. Unfortunately, around every week there's a new update that rolls through, creating an entirely new folder each time. Bloxstrap fortunately circumvents this issue by saving your settings even with updating each time.

This is more of a formality than a necessity if you're used to already replacing your files each time, but for the few of you it might be relatively annoying to change each time, so the video link to the tutorial is attached down below. You'll find the necessary links and FFlags in the description, so make sure to look into that as well.

I believe that the FFlags are the exact same ones as uchi presented, in case they aren't I'll make sure to update this in the future. Hope it helps!

yurllka, Censory en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
United Kingdom

So after i do this, does my runs get submitted bc they keep on getting declined

Zanum vinden dit leuk
Verwijderd door de auteur

@Readie if the run you submitted is a top 5 run, then you should be able to see them submitted if you have this thing enabled. I would always keep this on by default because chances are you turn to a better player in the future and may have a chance at getting a crazy time in pretty much any category.

Zanum en Readie vindt dit leuk

I'm sorry without this

UgandaLover, speedwr, en Zanum vindt dit leuk

иди в попу

UgandaLover vinden dit leuk
Central African Republic

@Maclak сам иди нахуй я тебя в ирл найду

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 days ago
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New Rule Due to Current Community Drama

for all top 5 runs in any category from this announcement onward, you are required to use the fflag below:

"FStringDebugShowFlagState": "DFIntMaxAltitudePDStickHipHeightPercent"

failure to abide by this rule will result in an instant rejection. thanks for your cooperation.

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