1 year ago
Washington, USA

Do we all have to have Splits when we do this Speed Run 1-8, 1-11, 1-14 and 1-21? Do we have to have Splits or can the Moderators time the run themselves? Cause, I was wanting to try to beat this WR. And, It seems possible. But, I would not go for Top 3. I would try to go for Top 100 or 200 for the most part.

Washington, USA

Sorry about the misword there. It was supposed to say Splits.


If you’re running PC, you need LiveSplit in the video and the autosplitter enabled to get a time without loads.

Washington, USA

Okay. I don't even know how to set up a LiveSplit or an AutoSplitter. That is why I would never want to do anything like this one right here.

Washington, USA

Is that hard to do @Walgrey I want to get it done in the future. But, I cannot get it done. Cause, I don't know anything about LiveSplit and the AutoSpliter.


You can read the guide: https://www.speedrun.com/gmd/guides/lg6k8

Installing LiveSplit and making it compatible with GD isn't hard to do at all.

Washington, USA

Okay. Thank you so much.

Washington, USA

@Walgrey One more quick question, When you turn on the AutoSpliter. It does the Split for you? Or, do you have to push in the Button to go to the next split? That is another confusing part.

Washington, USA

I am just wanting to know really quick @Walgrey and I don't have another Monitor. I only have 1 Monitor.

  1. The autosplitter automatically splits for you.

  2. Either get a second monitor or play the game in windowed mode.

  3. Please stop double-posting and use the edit button in your posts.

United Kingdom

also you can have the livesplit open on obs and play fullscreen

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