Category Extensions
Category Extensions
Geplaatst 3 months ago door

You may have noticed that miscellaneous categories from this game have been removed. All of these categories have been made on the Category Extensions page. All runs (including obsolete ones) from these categories have been submitted on the runners behalf by me. The date, description, and all other annotations have been preserved in this process.

Because of this more organized and separated nature of categories, we are no longer held back (as much) with how necessary the categories are, and we’re generally more flexible regarding additions of new categories.

Here are the new categories we have added:

  • Summits 1-3
  • Summits 3-6
  • Lobby
  • Laserless Summit 6: One Way Up
  • Backwards

We may be open to more categories in the future, which you can request in the Category Request Forum found in the Category Extensions.

You can access these new boards by pressing the Category Extensions button at the top of this page.

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Several Important Updates/Changes

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  • Allowing modifications: Several modifications have been officially allowed to use in runs. They all use th
2 months ago