Leaderboard for races and licenses
3 years ago

I have recently seen a few Speedruns of this game. And looking at the races, I think they should add some scoreboards that consist of having the best time on a track. I don't know if it's a good idea, but I think it would be useful to see the best possible times. The problem is that since there are many events where the same track is run, it would not be possible to make a table of the same race but in another event. Therefore, I think a solution would be to add only the tracks. But another thing is in the laps of each track. In this case, I think that the track should be added and there place categories where the time in all the laps are indicated, without forgetting the best lap. For example: Choro Desert & Oasis/Short Course. 2 Laps - 01:26.23 3 Laps - 02:09.40 Best Lap - 00:41.50 Regarding the laps, I think that the endurance races should be excluded, with this I mean the 5 and 7 laps races, because to access some tracks of this category, you need to enter the Grand Prix, which forces you to use other engines. Talking about the A.I., I consider that this doesn't affect the gameplay, therefore, you can run a track in any event, no matter if a track is played in Sprint Upper Class or Duel Race. Another idea is to add the driving school licenses (O License, P License and Q License), since in them there is no A.I. presence and you don't need to customize the car to have a better time. I would appreciate if you could add at least one of these two categories.

Oregon, USA

Are there any current mods that would be game to set this up?

I feel like this game could benefit from having ILs.

I'd be willing to come back and set it up, but that's up to Konasumi.

Okay, will likely set this up in the near future... need to find a way to make it all make sense first.

Norfolk, England

Heya. The subject has been quietly spoken about in the background. The idea isn't entirely dead, just a few issues with it;

  1. At the moment, the only way me and zana feel it could make sense is if the IL are only the single player mode tracks as they have set stats on cars builds and limited races.

  2. Runs for this game arent exactly the booming right now. It wouldn't be worth making a board if there arent going to be any runs to actually post onto it (Hence why the "All Races" category still hasn't been made yet).

The 2nd point can change though. If anyone is interested in doing IL's in some form, I do have IL's that can competed against for the single player races here; https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT6PsoJqYZQIZ-Ck8KV0SCeDOtRpPLSP2

Just because there is no board yet, doesn't mean its not worth trying. I'd would love to hear about anyones attempts at these IL's, either in this thread or in DMs. Best of luck.

Honestly guys, universally on this site, the #1 best way to get mods for a game to consider making boards is to already have runs to put on them. Do runs, post them here in the forum, give us a reason to work. All too often what happens is you'll have a handful of people clamor for a board to exist that, once gets made, never gets used.

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