Geplaatst 1 month ago door

Mod Update, New Filter, Rule Updates, and Reminders


  • You need to submit both the world seed and filter token with your run. You can get the seed by running the /seed command and the token by running the /fsgtoken command at the end of the run.
  • Background generation as a feature has been removed from the FSG Mod. It should now be done by using SeedQueue with the FSG Mod. The FSG Mod will automatically limit the amount of worlds you are allowed to queue (Seedbank/ZSG: 1, BeachFilter: Same as regular RSG - 30).

The FSG Mod

The FSG Mod is an updated version of the FSG Wrapper Mod

The FSG Mod hooks into Atum (which should be obtained from and provides a filtered seed. It can run any arbitrary filter as long as it is set up correctly. This is done most easily by installing a filter through the mod's menu (wheat seeds button on title screen).

You can download the FSG Mod here:


Bringing back the original goal of filtering for good RSG-like seeds, ZSG has buried treasures, ravines, bastions and fortresses. It comes in an OP version for fun and competitive times on the leaderboard, or a regular version for realistic RSG practice. Both versions are valid for the new category! You should install the filter through the FSG mod, and see more filter details here:

Rule Updates

  • The FSG Mod is now required for 1.16.1 run submissions in all filter categories. (All filters can easily be installed through the FSG Mod's menu)
  • A new file submission form has been created, the links in the rules are updated for ZSG and Seedbank. Here are the current time barriers for what needs to be submitted:
    • Seedbank: For sub 9 Singleplayer Seedbank runs, runners must provide evidence of past attempts.
    • Seedbank: For sub 7 Singleplayer Seedbank runs, runners are required to send the world file of the run.
    • ZSG: Singleplayer runs under 13 minutes must submit world files, logs, and evidence of past attempts.
    • ZSG: Singleplayer runs under 9 minutes must submit world files, evidence of past attempts, 5 previous world files, logs, and gameplay audio.
  • Removed rules made obsolete by the FSG Mod: "Running multiple generators concurrently is allowed.", "Running generators locally is allowed.", "Do not preroute the seed.", "Runners must start playing the seed no more than 30 seconds after it is generated, or directly after resetting the previous world. If you choose to generate seeds for the next run while attempting the current run, you must send the appropriate world files and logs for the submitted run, and the run directly prior to it (if applicable). If running FSG through is too slow, it is recommended to run FSG locally."
  • ZigSeedGlitchless follows main board 1.16.1 RSG timing. This means all sub 13 runs will use "top level re-timing" as of February 2025.
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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

Updated mod rules:

1.16 any% Seedbank/Legacy Filters: FSG Wrapper mod v.1.0.1 is now REQUIRED for run submissions.

The FSG Wrapper mod is used with the Atum mod for a smoother resetting experience.

To submit, please make sure to type /fsgtoken in the in-game chat after the completion of your run, and paste the text in the description of your submission; the run will be unverifiable otherwise.

For any questions, please ask in ⁠#wrapper-mod-discussion in the FSG discord server

Download link:

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Mod Update, New Filter, Rule Updates, and Reminders
  • You need to submit both the world seed and filter token with your run. You can get the seed by running the /seed command and the token by running the /fsgtoken command at the end of the run.
  • Background generation as a feature h
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