Dialogue skip mechanics
6 years ago

So what thoughts do people have on the dialogue skip? I've only made a couple of observations so far that I feel are reliable:

  1. Mashing too fast is counter-productive
  2. Enter seems to be better in general
  3. If you mash LMB fast enough, you can "block" enter inputs from triggering the first conversation choice
  4. Moving your mouse around seems to help, but I'm unsure if that's related to input event handling or just a symptom of your hand slowing down or something

Which in turn leaves two questions:

  1. Based on observations 1 and 3, is there something with the input handling where input events cancel each other out?
  2. Do enter and LMB skip in different ways?
KinzyKenzie vinden dit leuk
North Holland, Netherlands

The game seems to have some trouble switching focus between input devices. Try mousing over New Game, and then hitting Enter to confirm your choice. Doesn't work for me.

From a controllerboy perspective I can't say I've noticed anything that would indicate I'm mashing the A button "too fast". The only thing I've noticed is that dialogue lines coming immediately after choosing a dialogue option seem to be unskippable for a short amount of time, probably to prevent accidental skipping. Maybe selecting the option with one input device, and then skipping with another works around this.

I haven't tried skipping with Enter, but I haven't observed any difference between LMB and A button skipping.

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
Archmagus vinden dit leuk

I used to also move wildly to activate the phone but it didn't seem to differ any compared to just standing still, I think it's just a timer from scene load. Spamming LMB still makes sure you pick up ASAP (as you can interact before the audio cue starts)

KinzyKenzie vinden dit leuk
North Holland, Netherlands

TL;DR: Don't be a controllerboy.

  1. Controlling the camera with the right stick is extremely slow, and the sensitivity cannot be changed from the Main Menu
  2. The "You got X item!" pop-up is NOT dismissed by pressing the A-button
  3. You cannot effectively spam the A-button through conversations, as it could result in immediately choosing the first dialogue option

I do nearly everything with the mouse now, instead. Only when I have to choose the first dialogue option I double-tap Enter so that I don't have to mouse over the relevant option.

Archmagus vinden dit leuk

Observation: Does skipping with the mouse slow down if you're clicking on the area with the dialogue options?

E: It seems related to whether you move your mouse or not after clicking an option

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
KinzyKenzie vinden dit leuk

You CAN select dialogue options with arrow keys, which is a lot faster than trying to click with the mouse. HOWEVER, you can only do that if you haven't clicked LMB after the dialogue menu appears. I guess it loses focus? You can also regain focus by mashing arrow keys.

KinzyKenzie vinden dit leuk

Item message skips seem to be bound to just skipping dialogue fast enough to trigger.. something before the item text fade-in finishes. I'm basing that on the observation that when you skip the magnifying glass in office 1, there's no dialogue to remove the message again, and the magnifying glass text stays overlayed for a couple of seconds while you move to get the door.

KinzyKenzie vinden dit leuk
North Holland, Netherlands

During dialogue (not when presented with options), the game does not distinguish between input devices. You can mash both Enter and LMB at the same time. Hell, you could theoretically add a controller's A button to the mix.

In terms of rhythm, it makes the most sense both for your body and the game to mash with your hands in sync. You can keep up the pace, and one input will skip the text scroll while the other will advance to the next line of dialogue.

ProB6Mg en Archmagus vindt dit leuk
North Holland, Netherlands

Enter + LMB mashing introduced the issue of pressing two different 'skipping'-keys in the same frame, essentially wasting hand movement because part of your inputs will get dropped as duplicates. This can be resolved to some extent by giving yourself more FPS. You can of course do this by playing in Windowed mode at the lowest available resolution.

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
ProB6Mg en Archmagus vindt dit leuk
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