Nintendo Switch
7 years ago
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

I didn't watch the unveil event, but everything I'm reading about the new console looks cool as hell. I'll definitely be picking one up at launch. Detaching the two side controllers sounds like it could lead to some wacky speed or challenge runs of games. I'll probably play it much like I play the Wii U myself -- "tablet" controller firmly in hand. It might even push me to get a new TV if the specs for the console exceed what my current TV can output (which frankly it should, my current TV is a good 5 years old).

So....yeah! Anyone else excited?

He/Him, It/Its
7 years ago

I'm really interested in it so far too. So far, i want more info about the games themselves, especially retrocompatibility.

Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

I'll probably pick one up depending on how much they price gouge it for Australians.

Vienna, Austria

I'm really excited for it. The trailer was meh imo, especially the music was annoying af, but it showed some good potential in mobile gaming.

What I hope it supports is, finally a damn Video-Output, since I think everyone knows how expensive the 3DS Capture-Card is. Since it is mobile technology, it surely isn't as powerful as a PS4 or XBO, but probably on a same, maybe a bit higher than WiiU which would be awesome.

I also hope for some support of already purchased equipment such as for the WiiU Pro Controller, Gamecube adapter and maybe some other features I haven't thought about yet :P

All in all it shows great potential, especially with 3rd party support finally again.

New Jersey, USA


Are they confirmed to be individual buttons?

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago

The 2 halves can work as individual controllers with the UDLR buttons acting like the ABXY buttons, so yes, they are individual buttons.

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

RIP people with big hands

xDrHellx vinden dit leuk
United States

Just some thoughts about the console: my initial opinions are that the Nintendo Switch looks cool. The previous leaks and rumors seemed to be true, to a certain extent. I hope the dock for it has more technology built into it so it can be more powerful when connected to a TV at home. I hope it has a NVIDIA Tegra X2 processor (or something similar in power), and I really hope it will be able to play games in native 4K resolution. I know NVIDIA has created a custom processor for the Switch, so it may not be the Tegra X2. There is a leaked spec sheet that has been posted, and the specs make sense so we'll see if they are true.

I'll likely wait until later in 2017 to get one at the earliest; I am not planning to buy one on release day. I think the higher end model will be $399 USD, as I can see them selling the Switch without the dock (cheaper, $299 USD) and with the dock (more expensive). Can't wait to see what games are released for it! A new main series Pokémon game on a Nintendo home console will be awesome! My biggest wish for digital games from this system though is that they REALLY need to make GameCube games available for download. All in all, I'm excited for this console. I hope that they acquire and use as much third-party support as they can, to the fullest benefit for Nintendo themselves and the players.

Richmond, VA, USA

Gamecube compatibility through virtual console would be fantastic. Online matchmaking would make it even better. I can just smell the Smash Melee tourneys from here.

New Jersey, USA

I'm still waiting patiently for the mini NES :D