GV-USB2 problems
1 year ago

After Streaming for 20 minutes or so from obs the audio starts to garble and sounds like it is underwater. I used to capture with vmix and add a vmix video source on obs to solve this but vmix is no longer free so I need another solution.

-I have been suggested to use line-in for the audio capture I know this used to work when I had an EZcap but my current laptop does not have a line-in.

Possible solutions

1/ new capture card that doesn't garble the audio (any recommendations?) I don't want to convert to hdmi capture card and create lag otherwise might as well just stick with my current (hopefully short term emu solution)

2/ pay for v-mix or find an alternative free program (recommendations needed)

3/ some sort of adapter so I can get around not having a line-in on my laptop and stick with GV-USB2

Any advice appreciated, only interested in snes / older consoles which use red/white/yellow connectors

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago

sorry not really helpful but why were you using vmix? why not straight up put the capturecard feed into obs with the "video capture device" source?


something to do with the GVUSB2 drivers not working properly with win10 i guess, after a while the audio buffering maxes out and the sound starts getting garbled (this doesn't happen if using vmix to capture and relaying it to obs.)

This is the original solution i used but now Vmix costs money https://dutchjguides.blogspot.com/2016/12/VMix.html

So if I have to pay for Vmix might as well get a newer capture card without these issues.

-Going to try capturing audio separately using mic-in port before spending money unnecessarily


i downloaded and installed vmix and the registeration page allows you to register a free basic edition. assuming you just want to fix the audio then that should be enough right?


Thank You the site kept re-directing to the paid version until I specifically searched for basic. Problem should be solved with no extra cables now :)

Um I've streamed SNES and PS2 with GVUSB2 directly into OBS in Windows 10 with no audio issues at 1 hour. I use "BTSC" for "AUD STEREO SYS", which is the default. Not sure if that matters. I also used s-video.

You say yellow but s-video on SNES looks so much better on streaming and recording. Even the cheap composite + s-video cables are good enough. Play in composite and record in s-video without needing a splitter.