Looking for a really fun PC game to speedrun *No Controller*
9 years ago

Currently looking to start my speedrunning hobby, and im looking for something really fun to start running that i can use keyboard mouse and of course windowed mode (for streaming, and live split purposes). I currently do not have any controllers compatible with PC at the moment and no capture card for streaming consoles...at the moment :P any advice/input/suggestions is AMAZINGLY appreciated I'm a pretty avid gamer so everything is decently fun to me :)


well yea absolutely agree with you there 100%, but thats why i am asking for suggestions, i love pretty well every game and thats why i am having such a hard time deciding. So i feel if someone can suggest one or many and at LEAST one of those really peak my interest then i can really make a good decision. :)


I would love to have more runners for Age of Empires 2. Currently working on getting best strategies on each IL, whole campaign runs are still limited.

Anyway, how about you tell us what kind of games you like?

64couette vinden dit leuk
French Southern Territories

There are a lot of topics about "Which Game to be speedran ?" everywhere on forums.

64couette vinden dit leuk


Go for SS All Levels if you want to have a mental breakdown.


well would be nice to have some runner on bordeland 2 and if you want i can help you :P

United States

As a keyboard user, I would recommend Mega Man Rock Force, Toy Story 2, and Vice project Doom.