I still dont get this
The only place you can save time on any% PC is what we call the newspaper skip then just don't die things get at least somewhat interesting in 2-star and 100% in which you can save time in the transition between night 5 to 6 and 6 to 7 which comes down to the millisecond there the only time saves in PC It is a bit weird that a game about surving a certain amount of time can be speedrunnable but if you can save or lose time you can speedrun it
Mathigamercrack en DareHyper vindt dit leuk
Dude, if you don't want to speedrun FNaF, then don't. Some of these categories have major completion. And a speedrun is supposed to complete a game in the fastest. Like a race, and that's what we do. It's like any other speedrun.
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