Original in 2D 13h 44m 45s by
Lot's of timesave in this run, biggest one, not dying in a Dark Matter charge, however there were some timelosses too:
- 6 mins lost due 2nd (and not 1st try) to Dark Matter in Stilshrine
- 15 mins lost because one of the Warp Motes missed on Brainpans, so I had to run back down the tower, and farm Warp Motes again (I was simply too greedy)
- 7 mins on Fenrir, combination of 2nd try and not the best RNG
- 7 mins on Hashmal due to 2nd try DCG and not first try
- 9 mins throughout Cid 2 (including Gabranth 1) due to horrible RNG
- 5 ish minutes on Undying due to 2nd try DCG
Also, between me finishing this run and creating this submission, supposedly Danjuro-san has found a faster Dark Matter charging method. I need to test this new Dark Matter charging place to see how well it works and how much time it would actually safe over the current one we're using.
Part 1.5
Mod note: couple of seconds missing between parts 1.5 and 2. Here's a clip that includes that https://www.twitch.tv/blueharvey/clip/LachrymoseMildLobsterDogFace-LeTXDtmZb3quzxoP Part 2:
Part 2.25
Part 2.5:
Part 3:
Part 3.5
Part 4:
Part 4.5:
Part 5:

2D 13h 44m 45s

Tijd splits
Verzorgd door Splits.io
# | Naam | Tussentijd | Voltooid op |
1 | Air Cutter Remora | 2m 06s 371ms | 2m 06s 371ms |
2 | Rogue Tomato | 8m 17s 456ms | 10m 23s 827ms |
3 | Dustia Farm (100k) | 1h 37m 45s 972ms | 1h 48m 09s 799ms |
4 | Thextera | 1m 11s 698ms | 1h 49m 21s 497ms |
5 | Holy Mote Overgeslagen | — | — |
6 | Firemane | 22m 22s 979ms | 2h 11m 44s 476ms |
7 | 40 Knots of Rust | 20m 20s 617ms | 2h 32m 05s 093ms |
8 | 3 Green Liquids | 12m 06s 101ms | 2h 44m 11s 194ms |
9 | Mimic Queen | 7m 59s 979ms | 2h 52m 11s 173ms |
10 | 2x Warp Motes | 7m 51s 992ms | 3h 00m 03s 165ms |
11 | Leviathan Handaxe Overgeslagen | — | — |
12 | Judges | 24m 08s 418ms | 3h 24m 11s 583ms |
13 | Judge Ghis Goud | 7m 40s 531ms | 3h 31m 52s 114ms |
14 | Yensa Scale | 10m 35s 206ms | 3h 42m 27s 320ms |
15 | Garuda | 9m 46s 677ms | 3h 52m 13s 997ms |
16 | DW2 | 3m 50s 202ms | 3h 56m 04s 199ms |
17 | Warp Mote for Vossler | 2m 43s 034ms | 3h 58m 47s 233ms |
18 | Belias | 11m 51s 723ms | 4h 10m 38s 956ms |
19 | Vossler Goud | 8m 19s 305ms | 4h 18m 58s 261ms |
20 | Flowering Cactoid | 5m 02s 737ms | 4h 24m 00s 998ms |
21 | Wyrmfireshots Goud | 7m 14s 741ms | 4h 31m 15s 739ms |
22 | Tiamat | 35m 08s 467ms | 5h 06m 24s 206ms |
23 | Enter Stillshrine | 12m 16s 246ms | 5h 18m 40s 452ms |
24 | Vinuskar Goud | 12m 12s 877ms | 5h 30m 53s 329ms |
25 | Mateus | 29m 02s 864ms | 5h 59m 56s 193ms |
26 | Dark Matter Overgeslagen | — | — |
27 | Judge Bergan (17.2k charge) | 4h 46m 21s 723ms | 10h 46m 17s 916ms |
28 | Start Farming (DM, WM, etc) Overgeslagen | — | — |
29 | End Farming Overgeslagen | — | — |
30 | Mandragoras | 2h 37m 33s 321ms | 13h 23m 51s 237ms |
31 | Ahriman | 46m 12s 219ms | 14h 10m 03s 456ms |
32 | Hastega Mote Farm (10) | 18h 17m 29s 802ms | 1D 8h 27m 33s 258ms |
33 | Cid 1 (55k charge) | 0m 31s 361ms | 1D 8h 28m 04s 619ms |
34 | Rafflessia | 24m 18s 193ms | 1D 8h 52m 22s 812ms |
35 | Daedalus | 25m 20s 338ms | 1D 9h 17m 43s 150ms |
36 | Tyrant | 40m 57s 334ms | 1D 9h 58m 40s 484ms |
37 | Shemhazai (no DM) Goud | 32m 48s 403ms | 1D 10h 31m 28s 887ms |
38 | Hydro | 14h 21m 26s 334ms | 2D 52m 55s 221ms |
39 | 3 Black Orbs | 7m 05s 603ms | 2D 1h 00m 00s 824ms |
40 | Pandaemonium | 12m 06s 659ms | 2D 1h 12m 07s 483ms |
41 | Brainpans | 1h 01m 18s 957ms | 2D 2h 13m 26s 440ms |
42 | Slyt | 8m 57s 089ms | 2D 2h 22m 23s 529ms |
43 | Fenrir | 22m 43s 689ms | 2D 2h 45m 07s 218ms |
44 | Hashmal (no DM) | 1h 01m 33s 382ms | 2D 3h 46m 40s 600ms |
45 | Gabranth 1 | 13m 21s 144ms | 2D 4h 00m 01s 744ms |
46 | Cid 2 (41.5k charge) | 14m 49s 529ms | 2D 4h 14m 51s 273ms |
47 | Starting Bahamut (99 PDs) | 7h 48m 21s 144ms | 2D 12h 03m 12s 417ms |
48 | Gabranth 2 | 22m 02s 481ms | 2D 12h 25m 14s 898ms |
49 | Vayne Goud | 13m 28s 855ms | 2D 12h 38m 43s 753ms |
50 | Vayne Novus (37105 charge) | 18m 50s 467ms | 2D 12h 57m 34s 220ms |
51 | The Undying | 47m 11s 206ms | 2D 13h 44m 45s 426ms |
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