1 year ago

legacy glitchless allowed wallhops, backjumps, wallwalks, wallglides, certain squeeze slide clips etc, some wallwalks are still possible with current physics but are they allowed seeing that all other remnants of patched glitches got banned

Washington, USA

We're currently switching to glitchless categories but if the site gets super competitive again we might bring back a glitches category.


alright so all glitches banned including the wallwalks?


add glitches?

Washington, USA

which wallwalks are you specifically talking about


the one at the beginning of sandswept ruins and the one in btr at 5-7th buttons

Washington, USA

that's probably something the mod team would have to agree on

Washington, USA

me personally i'd say they shouldn't be allowed but i'll have to ask everybody else.

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Velocity Display

Henlo this is your local FE2 speedrunning mod Nolyswag and I'd just like to recommend for people to use velocity display during runs to maximize the odds of your run being verified (it just helps confirm that your run is legit).

Signing out, Nolyswagger the 1st

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