Video in gevaar
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Selection A in 7m 21s by
De video voor deze run loopt het risico verwijderd te worden door Twitch
9:02 Day 1 - just starting
MOD NOTE Run originally submitted a 9:02.861 (Real time) run changed to 7:21.00 (In-game time)
Tijd splits
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# | Naam | Tussentijd | Voltooid op |
1 | Track 1 | 1m 02s 252ms | 1m 02s 252ms |
2 | Track 1A Goud | 1m 19s 856ms | 2m 22s 108ms |
3 | Track 2A Goud | 1m 25s 608ms | 3m 47s 716ms |
4 | Track 3A Goud | 1m 31s 985ms | 5m 19s 702ms |
5 | Track 4A | 1m 45s 872ms | 7m 05s 575ms |
6 | Track 5A | 1m 57s 286ms | 9m 02s 861ms |
New "Single Lap" Individual Levels and NWC
Hi everyone,
We now have five new IL categories for the Selection A challenge races: Single Lap! The beauty of this is that submissions are still reported using the In-Game timer. These new levels will follow the same rules for all other Selection A individual levels.
Nintendo World Championships
Recente runs
Niveau: Track 1 (challenge)
Niveau: Track 5 (challenge)
Niveau: Track 5 (challenge)