Question about different versions
5 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

I know that there is nobody on the leaderboard for the GBA version of the game, but I'm pretty sure there's no difficulty level option for the GBA version, and it is very different from the console versions.

Are there/should there be any different rules for doing a GBA run?

Cohri vinden dit leuk

Actually just asked myself the same thing. Can we please clear this up @MODS?

GBA probably needs to be separated from the rest somehow.


I don't wanna be a douche but some things on this leaderboard really need to change. What I would suggest ist treating console/ pc, DS, GBA, and PSP (and mobile I guess...?) each as different games and separating those leaderboards completely because those versions are all completely different.

As a reference I suggest a look at Harry Potter games where Gameboy versions are separated from the pc/ console version. Thx.

Also, if nothing happens or I don't hear anything from a mod in the next few days (you can also hit me up on discord) I will contact moderators about this. The first post ist over 4 months old now.

Washington, USA

Idk how different each of the mobile versions are from each other, enough to each be seperate games or not. What i can do is remove all mobile versions from this leaderboard, and let you guys submit the other games seperately as need be

Washington, USA

you know as far as not being able to get a hold of me, can just go to my profile and clearly I have twitter listed there which i check regularly. Here i get hundreds of notifications on because I speedrun over 200 games, so I don't check notifications here


Then maybe you should enable dms on Twitter so people can actually write you (or add Discord). Anyway, thanks for responding. As far as I can tell all platforms are very different, except console and pc which are basically the same. I think there is no need for a completely separate leaderboard, but you could adjust the categories since the other games don't have a difficulty setting as far as I can tell. Maybe just put any% for everything except pc/ console.

Also, in my opinion if you are that busy and unable to catch up on all your notifications you should consider adding another somewhat active mod to this leaderboard since the other too seem to be very inactive.


I know it's a pain, but wouldn't it make sense to talk this through? Instead of now just making changes that, in my opinion, don't make any sense; pc and console are basically identical and there is no reason to separate the leaderboards.

Personally, I think instead of having the category as the main "folders", you could put the platforms there (which would be: Console/ PC, GBA, DS, PSP) and then you could just add whatever category makes sense for the single platforms (i.e. the difficulty settings + all secret eggs for Console/ PC; or just any% for GBA).

I don't know exactly if it would be possible to do it like that since I haven't moderated a leaderboard so far, but I hope we find a good solution.

She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

hey userice7,

maybe you have already solved your own issue already, but just in case

there definitely is a PC category! under the easy/normal/hard/all eggs categories you should find a dropdown with different devices/platforms that the game can be run on

at least that's where it is for me - just click on the "xbox 360" or whatever device/platform is being shown to you

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