"Endless Ascent" is officially discontinued.
I thank everyone who was with me on this journey but it was a very hard and confusing journey for me... I don't have any hope this project is going to be well received even with the updates I planned. It's a flop and would continue to be one which has really "killed" the passion and great plans I have made for this game.
Thank you all again, hope you find something else.
- OmGi (The developer of Endless Ascent)
Also the game is now Free To Play on Steam. And I uploaded the old version and levels in "Resources", Check it out if you want.
"Endless Ascent" is officially discontinued.
I thank everyone who was with me on this journey but it was a very hard and confusing journey for me... I don't have any hope this project is going to be well received even with the updates I planned. It's a flop and would continue to be one which has re