You might wanna see this...
7 years ago
United States

Groundbreaking new exploit that might give Any% meaning ;)

tac23tac23, Maax, en Nrrillinthas vindt dit leuk
United States

Earlier, we were trying to bypass anticheat borders in Through Hell, ITJ, and Skylands to no avail. Keep in mind that for every leap, it can take up to 8 seconds, so finding a faster route might be challenging.

United States


United States

I already know this exploit, my friend crq told me about it on discord, I use it to fly in Bawk Bawk Battles cuz I am bad. I am just wondering if this could be considered glitch abusing and you could get banned for a self report.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
United States

It wasnt used to gain an advantage over anyone. It wouldn't be fair to ban someone over it.

The rule said it's bannable if it was used to get an unfair advantage over others, and if it ruined gameplay for others. Speed running in a private mps with other speed runners wouldn't really fit that case.

Ill ask mineplex staff about it.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
Texas, USA

should of got a wr with it and catch everyone by surpise


don't think you can do it on a mac...

United States

Thunder you can, go out of full screen, and then where craftainj right clicks the top of it, just hold down left click and it does the exact same thing.


Look as I have stated before, I have known about this exploit for months (crafter told me) and me and crafter have been trying to exploit maps with this for ages (with no success) the only thing this is usefull for is that pig game. also the fact that you have to wait 8 seconds is the problem, as it would just be faster to go the normal route also you need to keep in mind that Dougie might kill you. So unless you can find a place that this could be used which saves over 8 seconds from the normal route (keep in mind that it requires more than one leap) it is useless. Also you cant get past death barriers. You MAY be able to find a warper route but very unlikely

Maximus vinden dit leuk
United States

My thought is "Can you jump over the barriers thus being able to do warper strats in leaper". That would certainly be faster for Through Hell and perhaps Skylands

Maximus vinden dit leuk
Texas, USA

there might be some area in skylands where it's so far away that there might not be any point to exploit like around here:

black dot is where you do the exploit btw.

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