Are runs from the nintendo switch versuon accepted?
2 months ago
New Jersey, USA

I dont see any mention of the nintendo switch version so i wasnt sure if there were seperate rules for it or if it is allowed.

Stockholm, Sweden

nintendo switch version should be added , or that it gets submited as arcade. there is a ps2 dragon blaze/sol divide special edition version also with different difficulties than the ps4 version that only was released in japan . so theres a lot of versions now .i know that the ps4 version had 9 difficulties but the sol divide/dragon blaze version had 3 difficulties . this game could also add nintendo switch and the sol divide/ dragon blaze version as misc. categories. for verifying purposes this game should just add nintendo switch as a subcategory . no one has played the soldivide/dragon blaze version on this leaderboard so maybe not worth to add it.

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 months ago
New Jersey, USA

Ok. so if i ever get around to a run im Guessing i can just submit it and it can be moved to a seperate board if needed? I also noticed there arent different boards for difficulty and you dont even list the difficulty you used. Does higher difficulty have a positive effect on run time? Or why is it done that way?

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 months ago
Stockholm, Sweden

most speedruners just play on the easiest difficultie cause its faster. me and hostel has grinded this game a lot. i think i took back the wr 4 times on the any % category . 100 % all 4 dragons has for sure room for improvements. the 4 first stages is also random depending on rng . hardest difficultie , diff 9 is for sure harder than diff 1 . and co -op speedruns are way faster than solo runs. if you have 2 ians you can spam the laser bomb and the bosses die in seconds.

fizzyflask3 vinden dit leuk
Hawaii, USA


To answer some things:

  1. Switch has been added as a Platform

  2. If the Switch version is different in any meaningful way (easier, harder, faster loads, speed changes, ect) we will split it off from the other platforms, otherwise itll stay there with the Arcade and the Playstations. Right now there is no "best" system to run it on as far as I know

  3. I have the view that adding difficulty levels as sub-categories fragments the community more and I dont do it.

Hope you join us with a run!

Shredmachine vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USA

Ok. Got it. Thanks both of you. :) Im hoping to get some run attempts going soon. :)

Ellimist vinden dit leuk
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