NG+ All Psychopaths?
8 years ago
New Hampshire, USA

Hello everyone,

I've been absent for too long from both this game and speedrunning in general. I was thinking about a potential category for this game the other day.

NG+ All Psychopaths and/or NG All Psychopaths would be what the name implies; kill all psychopaths and finish the game. Not sure if this implies an S Ending (I believe it does but I could be wrong since I have been away from the game for a while).

Is this a good idea? Thoughts? I can attempt it at some point soon if it's a decent enough idea.


Would be a good idea, I contemplated running a category like this but decided against it as there's hardly much difference in the routing. A good tip if you do this category is check what weapon works best with each psychopath. I've learnt that anything yoga related like the blocks and the balls can 2 hit kill Jherii and of course the jazz hands do well against Hunter, Diego and Hilde. Dylan's flamethrower does well against Darlene as she can usual dodge your jazz hands.

If you decide to do a Deadly Sin psychopath run: Dylan, Darlene, Jherii, Albert, Kenny, Zhi and Theodore. That would eliminate having to do an S ending run.

ArcanicEight vinden dit leuk
Massachusetts, USA

Idk most games only have categories for basic any% (aka no saves), NG+, Hardest difficulty, and 100%... This leaderboard is one of the strangest... and no surprise one of the least populated...

New Hampshire, USA

Hmm...I do agree that the routing is barely different, but I think it would potentially eliminate the standing around for the 10 minute gaps, you know? I think a Deadly Sin % has a nice ring to it, haha.

And yes, while this is not a very populated leaderboard, I find that's why I like it! Has a unique feel to it.

Massachusetts, USA

Well you know what would change the route and prevent you from standing for half an hour... resetting and starting at level 1... it's more informative about the game, it's more difficult, it would require differing strategies (in regards to skill points and blue prints), the cars aren't indestructable, and there's tension because there's actually a chance you could die... It's unique as in it has more mods than runners... there are at least 3 speedruns on youtube that aren't submitted here (not counting my own)... Most communities want the most runners and to keep pushing times... this just seems like a personal blog

ArcanicEight vinden dit leuk
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