Rules question
5 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Hello! I was surprised to see that someone had run one of my favorite FMV games and I am practicing for a run at the moment, but I have a question about the rules as they currently are.

Why not have the time stop when you truly lose control of the game at the end where Jeff pushes Eddie into the final trap and it's activated? Why wait until the scene plays out longer?

I saw your Sega CD run that you have posted (I have the Japanese Mega CD one myself), but I do own the US Sega Saturn and 25th Anniversary Collections. In the last two mentioned you don't have control after that last trap is sprung, is the Sega CD version different?

I think from now on I'm going to rank by catches. "Speedrun" be darned haha. The time should always be the same. Need to give credit where it's due.

I've lowered myself to the bottom of the rankings, but... I WILL BE BACK!!!

Cue trapping training montage...

Coral Springs, FL, USA

You lose control when the final trap is sprung, same on the HD version, so yeah, I agree that the time should stop when you do the final press.

Connecticut, USA

so whats the deal? is this speedrun based off time of completion , or are you guys just doing a high score?

Pennsylvania, USA

I honestly have no idea anymore lol. Every version of this game is different, time might be better but so could a Captured category that kinda exists...

Coral Springs, FL, USA

I think captured is way more interesting, personally.

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