Hello all!
I'm a new speedrunner here so forgive my ignorance but I'm wondering a few things about Dishonored 1 Definitive Edition on PS4.
I noticed there are absolutely no runs submitted for my desired run (Glitchless, Non-Lethal, Ghost) and am wondering if that is simply because no runs have been submitted or is it because runs on that system are not accepted for any reason?
Also, due to it being the Definitive Edition, and should a run be allowed to be submitted, would I be barred from using the Bone Charms and Coin items given to Corvo in his room after first meeting the Outsider or could I use them?
Thank you in advance for any advice! :)
Hello! Its not a case that the run isnt allowed, its just that we dont have many console runners. We also dont have the category Glitchless Non-Lethal/Ghost on the main board.
On the category extentions, we have a category called NLNLG (non lethal, non lethal ghost) that is probably more what you are looking for, although we do still glitch through walls and OOB. Main board NLG uses a glitch to kill people but not have the game count it as our kill, which it sounds like is something you arent using, and thus, the run you are doing and the run WR does are very different (although feel free to submit to any of the 2 cats!)
You are allowed to use the bonecharms and money in corvos room after waking up, this is the Void Walkers Arsenal and is allowed for every category (apart from legacy), just make sure you select "yes" to VWA in your submission.
Feel free to ask any more questions in the discord if you have any!
Ok I see! Thank you I appreciate the quick response. If I can ask one more question in reply, is a 100% run considered: All bone charms, runes and paintings collected? Or does it require collecting all of the loose coin in the game also?
100% Consists of collecting everything on the end mission screens, including the coins. All Collectables has you collect everything on the end mission screen, EXCEPT coins