Luciano's Run... again
4 years ago
Sønderjylland, Denmark

Hi everyone, I'm ThaRixer and i'm a speedrunner that started in 2011/2012, but recently transitioned into becoming a video creator for speedrunning. Telling stories and ancient lore from all corners of the speedrunning world.

This Dino Crisis run from 2004 by lucianoRX has always been a video i've wanted to do. How the time stood for so long, how it was ahead of it's time, and how it got beaten

But the elephant in the room for me is the fact that luciano has faked other speedruns of Resident Evil. I would not want to make a video on this run if it turns out to be fake.

I would like for someone to maybe explain to me, luciano's history of faking other records, what his legit records are, and why this current dino crisis run still sits on the leaderboards? I'm not on to investigate the legitimacy of the time, i just do the story telling.

I'm gonna be doing some player interviews to talk a bit more in-depth about how well the run holds up today if it turns out to be legit. If anyone could give me a rundown or perhaps investigate his run a bit more before i commit to this project. I'd appreciate it

  • Ricky
mestinker en Symm vindt dit leuk
Sønderjylland, Denmark

Hey all, making yet another post 3 years later as this story still fascinates me immensely.

Very little video evidence is out there of luciano's other videos and records, and I still don't really know what is and isn't real. If anyone who ran between 2004-2007 happens to be around still, I would love to talk about luciano.

Kaladere vinden dit leuk

Hey Ricky,

Unfortunately I wasn’t running around the time he was running. However I have watched his Dino Crisis 1 and Dino Crisis 2 runs (albeit it’s been a while since watching Dino Crisis 1.) There is this thread with evidence of splicing in Resident Evil 2. I have been told there are other games that have been spliced however I have never really found any evidence to support the claims but I never spent a lot of time looking.

For Dino Crisis 2 I am quite skeptical of the time he achieved (53:30) however I have never spent a lot of time digging for evidence. I have spent a decent amount of time (500~ hours) running the game but most of that has been on PC with a small amount of time running the console version. I do think the time is plausible however I have never been convinced due to the quality of the run. There are a lot of small things that are very peculiar, be it lines or choices of strats. Example, when putting in the Elevator Code, the first code he tries doesn’t even exist in the game. Any other runner would just spam 0 after inputting the code incorrectly to try an actual code (The code he uses is 0324, the only other code that starts with a 0 is 0153.) I have ran it quite a bit on the legacy emulator we use (psxjin) which appears to be very similar speed as a PS2 w/ fast disc and my PB for that is only 53:40 and it’s a pretty solid run and imo a better run (The run is pretty old so I could be misremembering it) Again, I don’t want to say I'm 100% positive that the run was cheated, but for the time he got it is very suspect due to the performance in the run. If you want more examples I can be happy to provide them.

For Dino Crisis 1 I would have to probably watch it again to give a fair opinion but the time in the run is at least super achievable (with what we know now I think someone could get a 1:13 with enough grinding) I do remember the quality of the footage being pretty bad at times, which could leave room for manipulation. I would say of any runs of his this one could have a decent chance of being legit but would probably want to spend some time watching it to make a fair opinion. I am unsure if any of the top runners for DC1 have any experience with Lucianos run.

If you do have any other questions feel free to let me know.


Sønderjylland, Denmark

Thank you so much man, really appreciate you reaching out and giving your insight. I might make a video on this topic sometime in 2025, so I might reach out then.

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