[ Hello Everyone, First thanks for watching.
This is my new PB Currently registered for 21/12/24. The new time was made while i was just training, i can see spaces fro improvement since i did a change on the strat. Notes for improvement.
1- S+Q for spinning shot is good 2- Need to study a new route based on the new Spinning shot 3- Makes less shop to waste less time. 4- Train MetalMamemon Manip 5- Train the regular skips which im always failling, Agmun Skip and Goburi SkipKlonoa331](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjFLd1R2b3NUMjl0bWFfNF96QjZ3Z1Z4ZmVkUXxBQ3Jtc0ttbWktVEhmM2w5aHVHeEZCc0NFRjl2dXVXalBVNUhRQjE5M0xCbjZabFA4dVZvYTFBMEhtOHlkRFdRZWx3UlB5cXR0ZFJnZDRxQUNoTFg4ZUJPYm9IWkhNUWxOdjBpYklmYnRqX0o5WHZwQ1EzWllUQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitch.tv%2Fklonoa331&v=x4DAL6tX42o)
MOD NOTE: Retimed to 1:39:30