This is for anyone who has any ideas or is wondering any specifics about Dead Estate Speedrunning :)
Hmm i feel we got a problem here. The game is being constantly updated with damage adjustments. For example, the WR is able to take out the mouth spitting enemy (second floor) with a single shot with jules, and I can't do it in less than 3 shots, so I dont think I will be able to beat the record ever with the updated version of the game.
Also I have a question. Does any% require the game to be on normal or can It be on 'too young to die'?
Also, the timer on the WR starts on player movement, and its stated at the rules that it starts at the click 'play'. But 'click play' may not make sense because the player may be coming from a death, so I think it makes more sense to time from start of player movement as is the current WR.
Thank you!
Also, there is also a problem of ending the timer with when cornelia picks you. Because if you play as cornelia, nobody picks you! haha I think it should be when the bazooka hits chunks.
Hi! For the first question, i think we will start specifying which update the speedrun was on, as the updates do change the meta quite often. For the 2nd one, any difficulty is allowed for any%! And yes, we may have forgotten to update it on the website, but when you start moving is when the timer should go off, and with Cory, the run can end when you enter the room, and you can no longer move.