Accepted Emulators
7 years ago

hey ok wow we're like actually a community these days here's some guidelining to prevent Sony Speedrunning Shenanigans™

Accepted emulators:

ePSXe 1.8 ePSXe 1.9 ePSXe 2.0 [Good] BizHawk [Good]

Fedecrash02, yuusa en 3 anderen vindt dit leuk
Tyrol, Austria

The list seems a bit outdated, could you please review it? Current accurate emulators are really close to playing on original hardware, ePSXe is one of the emulators where some PS1 speedrun communities don't allow its useage anymore, because of its dependency on plugins to be somewhat accurate. See for further details.

I think ePSXe should be disallowed for new runs, as its loading times differ from version to version. Mednafen imo should be allowed, as it is extremely accurate and also the base for the core which BizHawk uses.

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 years ago
Pro_cnr vinden dit leuk

Edit : nvm I read the other thread about using igt, which is the best solution. This is great !

I'm planning to start speedrunning the game soon, and I 100% agree with accurate emulator, and banning ePSXe But if you allow PStwo, maybe adding retro arch beetle core with 4x read speed to the list (which match PStwo fast read speed), not that I care (i'll run ILs and use bizhawk) but PS2 slim players might have an advantage on loading speed anyway

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 years ago

Is it possible to allow duckstation emulators as well

Pennsylvania, USA

With a few more people asking about the emulator list, this post here with a comment on epsxe, and that we moved to IGT as main tiing, I'm looking at some of the newer emulators and will look into updating the allowed list

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