Pico-8 Celeste?
I've been looking through the categories of both Base Game and Category Extensions, and I couldn't find anything regarding Pico-8 Celeste. Is there anything regarding this, and if there isn't, would it be possible to add a category regarding this part of the game?
You can submit Pico-8 Celeste runs to the CELESTE Classic leaderboard. Runs using the easter egg version inside Celeste are allowed there as 'emulator'.
DoctorWonka05 vinden dit leuk
2024 Any% Open starts this weekend
The 2024 Any% Open starts this weekend! Make sure to catch the action live on the .
Signups are closing in 48h of this news being posted. So if you want to play in the tourney, make sure to join the [Celeste Community Event
Recente runs
Niveau: Forsaken City
Niveau: Mirror Temple
Niveau: Forsaken City