Catherine Classic
6 years ago
Bretagne, France

I have try to run the game. There is some Framerate problem but this pc version is easily 3 to 4 min faster on easy mode and i think it will be the same on all category. That will make all previous run obsolete on each category if we merge pc with Xbox360 and PS3. What did you think is the better choice to make ? Did we split pc and Xbox360/PS3 ? Did we open a board Catherine Classic ? Did we merge with the other and don't care ?

Śląskie, Poland
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
6 years ago

IMO put PC runs together with consoles and if there will many runs, then it could be moved to a different category (if needed)


I really hate obsoleting existing runs just because a new version with better loads comes along, especially for games that aren't super active anyway like this. So I'd prefer just splitting it. A separate board seems a tad pointless cause as far as I'm aware it's still the same exact game, unlike Full Body, which I think we agreed will get a new board.


At the same time, because it's not super active anyways, splitting will either end up with the PC boards relatively empty in comparison or everyone will just jump ship and switch to PC essentially making PS3/Xbox somewhat obsolete regardless, in which case merging them from the get go would have been better. You can argue for both sides but this is my view, anyways.

He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

You can't automatically take out load times for console versions, and doing it manually and accurately is tedious.


For now, I've set up subcategories for Catherine/Catherine Classic for all full game categories (since the ILs don't have load times and shouldn't be any different).

If people really want, I could change it to not be a subcategory, and instead just a value you enter that shows on the board. This effectively would merge the boards, but I could set it so values do not obsolete each other, so you can have a PB for both show up simultaneously. I find that a rather ugly solution, but if people prefer that to having a bunch of possibly empty subcategories, I could go with it.

johnnydimitri vinden dit leuk

I'd be more inclined for it not to be a sub-category, especially given there's like, no uniformity in load times even among the console versions of this game. If anything, PC standardises it out a bit rather than it being a jumble of PS3/360 Disc/Digital HDD/SDD. Separating out PC for that reason seems a bit...disingenuous? For lack of a better word.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Another factor to note would be with the release of Full Body coming out there likely won't be too much interest in the PC sub category given people would likely be going to the new leaderboard that was previously talked about. It's extremely likely the Catherine Classic category will have little to no submissions given the state of it all.

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