Maze skip
9 years ago


I became interested in running this game but am a little stuck with the maze skip on 1-1. Can anyone confirm if this is still possible to do on PC (i.e. no patches happened).


Île-de-France, France

Hi Ognos,

I'm starting to try to beat my best time.

After some try, i can say the skip is always possible.

Don't forget to climb on a little rock near the tree.

European Union

Yeah, Tree Skip has been tested to work on all platforms. Hold the analog stick at about 4:30 ("o'clock"), and you'll get it eventually. Keyboard also works, but most people use a controller.


Thanks for the feedback!

I'm trying using that 4:30 strategy and pressing jump twice afterwards really fast. Sometimes it does seems that Mickey jumps kinda high on the tree branch but it doesn't reach any place else after that. Is there a specific input after that or do you just have to keep holding the dpad in the 4:30 direction?

European Union

Everyone does it a little bit differently, keep on trying different angles. I, for example, jump to 5 o'clock direction and then turn right in the air. Essentially, it is just a simple jump on the branch. It took me hours to do get it the first time :D


I'm able to get it consistently now. Figuring out what was going on next with the clipping through the level thing was kinda tricky too heh. Thanks for the tips!


Okay so I'm learning this and having trouble with a couple of parts of this trick. I can get the first jump fairly consistently but having trouble with the blind jumps after that. I have gotten it a couple of times, but not sure how to do it consistently.

Also having trouble just after getting the trick with parts of the floor not loading and I just fall through into the abyss. How to avoid? Thanks :)


I have a video amongst my highlights called Forest 1 skip or something like it, it's kind of a tutorial.

THAT SAID, it only saves 15~ seconds, and you can get a really good time without it, you can probably beat my PB without it. So my tip is to ignore it untill you get sub 36, the run is mostly about movement optimizations and getting a good gem count on each level.

Edit: Found the video:

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago

Alright, thanks for the info :)

Rhône-Alpes, France

Hi ! I'm starting to run this game and I would know if it's always feasible (on PC) ? I've tried (not too much ...) but I didn't achieve to do it (I probably don't know how to do it :D )

New York, USA

Do I have to learn this skips right away to start running or is it better to run the game for a while without it then learn the skips?


StrawberryMilk: It's better to run the game for a while before learning the skips. There are no major skips that saves loads of time, so just get used to the game, and take it from there. It should be possible to get sub 35 with any of the bigger skips in the game.

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