New route added
doorAdded a new route in Grenus Square - Astra Promenade which contains the following stops:
- Grenus Square
- Stocker Square
- Mediacenter Astra
- Westspoke
- Southspoke
- Eastspoke
- Northspoke
- Zellermann Research Center
- Astra Promenade
New route added
Added a new route in Grenus Square - Astra Promenade which contains the following stops:
- Grenus Square
- Stocker Square
- Mediacenter Astra
- Westspoke
- Southspoke
- Eastspoke
- Northspoke
- Zellermann Research Center
- Astra Promenade
Recente runs
Niveau: Citaro K - Any%
Niveau: Citaro K - Any%
Niveau: Citaro K - Any%