3 Questions
7 years ago
  1. The rules for NG+ simply state to "Complete all GPs". Does "Complete" mean to get a Gold/medal in every GP or just to finish them regardless of your medal/final position?

  2. The rules for Any% say to "Complete Grand Prix 10". I was comparing the year old route posted in the forums (the Livesplit file posted by derek) to my own route I created and noticed that the route derek posted specifically completed the first 6 GPs, then seems to skip around doing random events until GP 10 with no mention of doing GP 7-9. Does this mean that Any% ONLY has to complete GP 10 and can skip every other GP or do you need a medal in every GP?

  3. Can we get sub categories for PS2/XBox360? The load times alone are quite faster on XBox360 (about half the length of loading on PS2 from what Ive compared from a couple 360 runs) which makes it nearly impossible for PS2 to compete with it at a high level of play. Also, the 360 version has some differences that potentially make it faster. This includes faster Crash events since it doesn't have the boost meter at the start. Also, I've seen a few YouTube videos that show some Crash events on 360 requiring less money for Gold than PS2 (an example was the Tram-a-tised Crash Event. Ive seen multiple videos showing 360 has Gold at $8mil while PS2 has it at $8.5mil. I don't own a 360 to confirm this, but it was in multiple videos so idk).

Thanks in advance for answers.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
United States

1: I forgot to put that you only need to get bronze on the GPs for NG+. Honestly I'd be impressed if someone got WR with a bronze somewhere.

2: You can unlock GP10 without completing GP 7-9. GP10 is considered the final level so its the Any% benchmark.

3: We haven't done that yet because we want the board to look more active. :<

Timmiluvs vinden dit leuk
  1. Ty

  2. Interesting, I actually never knew that. I’ll have to rework my route then and do another test run. How exactly does it work though? You need to complete GPs 1-6 in order to unlock the next in line, but then after that you only need to have Rank 10 unlocked to get GP 10 unlocked? I’m surprised no site mentioned this when I was researching the exact requirements for unlocking GPs ha.

  3. Gotcha, I understand haha. It’s not a huge deal to me, it’ll only really matter for when I do NG+ runs since that’s where Xbox is most active. No worries :)

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
United States

The pre-reqs to every GP are in the rank of the respective GP. You can unlock rank 10 without having to unlock the GPs for 7-9.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago

Yeah I know that much, I was just wondering why the first 6 GPs (unless I’m misunderstanding the year old route) matter but 7-9 don’t based on what you’ve said. Like why not just unlock Rank 10 through just Crash events and fast Race events (Burning Laps, Road Rages, etc), grab a decent car or 2 and unlock GP 10 and complete it for Any% without doing any of the other GPs.

That’s what I meant by my question, since if only GP 10 matters for the category, as long as there isn’t some weird thing preventing you from getting to Rank 10 and GP 10, there shouldn’t be any reason to do the other GPs in Any%.

For what it’s worth I’m reworking my route and testing it, but so far I’ve unlocked 8 Ranks perfectly fine so unless something odd happens, I can’t see any reason to do any GP that’s not GP 10 in Any%.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago

Okay yeah, I did a run through and I have zero clue why the original route did the first 6 Grand Prixs lol. I just blew through the game unlocking Rank 10 with every Crash event, Burning Laps, Road Rages and some Races/Eliminators. Once in Rank 10 I unlocked GP 10 and completed it.

If GP 10 is the benchmark for Any%, then that’s the route for it. I’ll spend a few days now making a concrete route, but based on my estimates, Any% should easily be sub 5 now (if not easily sub 4:30 or less). I’ll post up a Guide when I finish the route.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
United States

I re-routed it a while ago too. If you're on the discord we can compare. My estimate was 5h30min after I timed each individual event on the route once.


Oh yeah I’ve been meaning to join the discord.

And my little run through file I just did was at just under 6 hours according to the game save. And that’s with testing, long pauses, and retrying/practicing events. So given all of that, it was at least an hour of me screwing around so that’s why I put my estimate at that.

United States

The way I tested it was I would time myself through the menu and to the end of the loading screen. I used a note pad to add everything up. It was roughly 5h30min, but it isn't 100% accurate.

Washington, USA

Here is another question also Can there be a save for the PCSX2 also. Cause, it seems like a lot of hard work to get all the cars unlocked. So, if anyone has a Save 100% completed for PCSX2. That would be amazing right there. There is another question. Is there a way to transfer a Save File 100% on a real PS2 without Modding the console? Cause, I want to get a 100% save file on real hardware and not on Emulator. That is a thing that I don't want to deal with.

Bewerkt door de auteur 9 months ago
Washington, USA

Why are you not able to see the fastest lap during an Eliminator Race event? I tried doing one and it did not show the fastest time and I am mad about that. Is that only an Online thing? Or, do you have to do something about it? Cause, I wanted to do that race right there. But, I don't know why I could not see the Fastest Lap Time on Eliminator. Can someone help me figure this out please? @expo_ or @Maksha if you can help me figure this out. That would be awesome. I am also on an Original PS2.

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 months ago
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