probably not a new strat for Verruct
4 years ago
Georgia, USA

so to be honest i never actually have played Verruct before until this morning, so i didn't expect to get far, and i was just trying to learn the map so i opened every door, then i ended up training the zombies from the jug room up to the double tap to the stg throught the power room out on a balcony through the speed cola room down the caged stair set rinse and repeat i did this all with the stg and a ray gun mk 2 and made it to round 20 before some zombies trapped me i know its not very high but if you're a much more talented zombies player than me i imagine this could work well to get to some pretty high rounds also the perks i used were jug, speed, quick revive and double tap then when quick revive was gone i got lucky and got widows wine, now this is a very dangerous strat but it seemed like a pretty fast and effective one, and one more thing to add was i camped on the middle of the stairs leading up to the double tap hallway from the jug room and when a zombie came from the top stairs i shot him with the mk 2 and ran then camped on the caged stairs from the speed room down to the hallway before the starting room until i was eventually overrun and then i ran and did this cycle over again, sorry i know this is a lot to read but didn't know how to explain this too well

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