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#NaamTussentijdVoltooid op
1-Cowa-Bungee! (1, 1)1m 32s 295ms1m 32s 295ms
2-Top Of The Hill (3, 2)1m 01s 590ms2m 33s 885ms
3{Jellyfish Fields 1} Patrick's Dilemma (4, 4)0m 46s 349ms3m 20s 234ms
4-On Top Of The Pineapple (5, 4)0m 32s 321ms3m 52s 555ms
5-Tikis Go Boom (6, 4, 2)1m 02s 140ms4m 54s 695ms
6-Learn Sandy's Moves (7, 5, 2)
0m 55s 762ms5m 50s 457ms
7-Swingin' Sandy (8, 5, 3)1m 05s 207ms6m 55s 664ms
8-Across The Rooftops (9, 6, 4)1m 00s 226ms7m 55s 890ms
9-Ambush In The Lighthouse (10, 7, 5)
0m 50s 646ms8m 46s 536ms
10{Downtown Bikini Bottom 1} On Top Of Shady Shoals (11, 8)0m 38s 283ms9m 24s 819ms
11-On Top Of The Chum Bucket (12, 9)0m 48s 608ms10m 13s 427ms
12-Here You Go (14, 9)0m 48s 934ms11m 02s 361ms
13-Infestation At The Krusty Krab (16, 9)0m 53s 822ms11m 56s 183ms
14{Bikini Bottom} Annoy Squidward (17, 10)0m 47s 898ms12m 44s 081ms
15Poseidome (19, 0)3m 37s 391ms16m 21s 472ms
16-Enter Goo Lagoon Pier (19, 0)1m 27s 910ms17m 49s 382ms
17-Slip And Slide Under The Pier (21, 1)4m 07s 882ms21m 57s 264ms
18-Clean Out The Bumper Boats (22, 1)
0m 37s 808ms22m 35s 072ms
19-Through The Sea Caves (23, 1)
0m 17s 420ms22m 52s 492ms
20{Goo Lagoon 1} Connect The Towers (26, 1)1m 21s 042ms24m 13s 534ms
21-Ambush At The Tree Dome (27, 1)0m 42s 317ms24m 55s 851ms
22-Across The Trench Of Darkness (28, 1)0m 44s 948ms25m 40s 799ms
23{Rock Bottom 1} How In Tarnation Do You Get There? (29, 2)0m 43s 306ms26m 24s 105ms
24-Super Bounce (30, 2)1m 08s 002ms27m 32s 107ms
25-Slidin' Texas Style (31, 2)0m 49s 779ms28m 21s 886ms
26{SpongeBob's Dream 1} Follow The Bouncing Ball (32, 2)
0m 22s 003ms28m 43s 889ms
27-Phase 1 (40, 2)2m 27s 117ms31m 11s 006ms
28-Phase 2 (40, 2)1m 36s 193ms32m 47s 199ms
29{Industrial Park} Phase 3 (41, 2)1m 35s 539ms34m 22s 738ms
30-Top Of The Lodge (42, 2)1m 52s 254ms36m 14s 992ms
31-Beat Larry's Time (44, 2)2m 26s 881ms38m 41s 873ms
32{Sand Mountain} Frosty Bungee (45, 2)0m 12s 521ms38m 54s 394ms
33{Goo Lagoon 2} Save The Children (46, 3)1m 02s 948ms39m 57s 342ms
34-Top Of The Entrance Area (47, 3)1m 14s 555ms41m 11s 897ms
35-Enter Villain Containment System (47, 3)0m 31s 156ms41m 43s 053ms
36-Defeat Prawn (48, 3)0m 22s 991ms42m 06s 044ms
37-Top Of The Security Tunnel (49, 3)0m 54s 465ms43m 00s 509ms
38-Complete The Rolling Ball Room (50, 3)0m 32s 664ms43m 33s 173ms
39{Mermalair} Top Of The Computer Area0m 22s 124ms43m 55s 297ms
40-Through The Woods (53, 3)1m 05s 272ms45m 00s 569ms
41-Beat Mermaid Man's Time (55, 3)0m 47s 106ms45m 47s 675ms
42{Kelp Forest 1} Down In The Swamp (58, 3)0m 52s 537ms46m 40s 212ms
43{Downtown Bikini Bottom 2} Come Back With The Cruise Bubble (59, 3)1m 03s 431ms47m 43s 643ms
44-Get To The Museum (62, 4)1m 18s 433ms49m 02s 076ms
45-Plundering Robots In The Museum (63, 5)0m 57s 337ms49m 59s 413ms
46{Rock Bottom 2} Slip Sliding Away (64, 7)0m 50s 176ms50m 49s 589ms
47{Kelp Forest 1} Find All The Lost Campers (65, 7)1m 11s 013ms52m 00s 602ms
48{SpongeBob's Dream 2} Music Is In The Ear Of The Beholder (66, 8)0m 37s 569ms52m 38s 171ms
49-Goo Tanker Ahoy! (67, 10)1m 14s 659ms53m 52s 830ms
50-Top Of The Entrance Area (69, 10)1m 01s 923ms54m 54s 753ms
51-Top Of The Stack Of Ships (71, 10)0m 47s 421ms55m 42s 174ms
52{Flying Dutchman's Graveyard} Get Aloft There, Matey! (73, 10)
0m 55s 879ms56m 38s 053ms
53-A Wall Jump In The Bucket (75, 0)0m 32s 795ms57m 10s 848ms
54-Kah-Rah-Tae! (75, 0)0m 27s 162ms57m 38s 010ms
55{Chum Bucket Lab} The Small Shall Rule... Or Not (75, 0)0m 50s 140ms58m 28s 150ms
Game statistieken
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100 Under 1 Challenge Complete!

The 100 Under 1 challenge was a success! Thanks to all the runners who achieved sub hour in Battle for Bikini Bottom.

Watch the original announcement here:

We reached 102 under 1, amounting to $2,400 for combatting childhood cancer.

3 years ago
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