OOB on remaster
2 years ago
United States

So I found you can get OOB in baldurs gate going backwards on remaster, i got a good bit of distance but fell into a void eventually, just tossing this here as something to take note of

United States

Any other info you can offer?

Also interested

Sorry to Necro this thread, but I might as well make it a bit clearer on what this entails.

This uses a p2 controller, when you spawn p2 in from importing them they will show up on the right of p1. Doing this in a corner will push p2 up and over the boundary of the map. Moving Oob is tricky, but basically if p2 is completely on the top of the map, you have to move the stock backwards, up is down, down is up etc etc.

Lévis, QC

Best part about this game, no OoB yet.

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