Proposal for a new category: Glichless with only joystick.
1 year ago

This is because I, and many others, find it difficult to play with a mouse and keyboard at the same time as a joystick to compete with the top positions on the pc glitchless category.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you keep this idea in mind.


A little disingenuous to present this as "many others totally want this" when posting from a brand new account that doesn't even have a run on the leaderboard, or know anyone in the community, or anything.

You can play the game however you want, but we're not gonna create a whole new category just because one person thinks the optimal strats are mildly difficult. Competing for top times isn't supposed to be easy.

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago

The fact that I don’t have a reputation in this community doesn’t mean you can call me dishonest. In addition, as you are a moderator, you should at least set an example of respect and harmony.

I don’t care if it’s easy or not to reach the top spots, I just say that PC players are conditioned to adapt to using both keyboard and joystick to compete. While they may have played their entire life on a console, and now only have access to a PC. I recently did a speedrun from my PC with a joystick; since I have always played the game that way; and the only way to compete with people who play like me is to buy an Xbox 360; something unfair.

United States

Alright, my say probably doesn’t make a difference here but I’ll just say my opinion. Nothing is stopping you from just playing on a PC with a Bluetooth/wired controller. They don’t need to add an extra category just for that. You can just be on controller the entire time if you want.


Thats what i did, but some strats or tricks to gain time; need to be performed by mouse and keyboard. For example, the protocol 10 segment is faster with mouse because you can turn around the camera while grappling to scan a choppers. Also, the glide is so much accurate in mouse and keyboard.


I called you dishonest because you made a point about "many others" agreeing with you when that very obviously was not true.

I also used to play these games on controller exclusively. I adapted. So has everyone else who is good at these games. It's something you just get used to, just like you get used to every other speedrun strat that isn't part of playing the game normally. If you don't want to get used to it and you just want to play the game on controller, you can do that, but we're not gonna make a whole new category for one person who just can't be bothered to play the game optimally.

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago
  1. You don’t know who I know.
  2. I made a peaceful proposal as a way to include and attract such players to the Speedrun community.
  3. The way you address me really discourages anyone who reads this from contributing to this community.
  4. I understand that it can’t be carried out because only I proposed it, but it’s an act of ignorance to think that there aren’t people who would appreciate a joystick-only category for pc.

You don’t know who I know.

Ok well if you know other runners who you know for a fact would want this, can you name names? Or can they show themselves? I can't just take your word for it that you know "many others" who want this when you're new and I have no idea who you are.

it’s an act of ignorance to think that there aren’t people who would appreciate a joystick-only category for pc.

I have been a part of this community for a very long time and have personally interacted with all the top runners on many occasions, and most of the other runners, and nobody has ever expressed any interest in anything like this. People love the keyboard and mouse controls for this game, particularly for gliding. Not that crazy of a leap from my perspective.

I'm not trying to discourage you from proposing a new category, but in general, there's already a lot of categories on the leaderboard, so we're really only interested in adding things that people actually want to do. Considering the circumstances, I'm sure you can see why I don't think that's the case here, and can't just take your word for it that "many others" would want it.

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago

I never said there were speedrunners complaining about this, I just proposed a category that would include even more people; who know how to play the game with a joystick, but not with a mouse and keyboard and only have a PC. Thank you for finally giving me a respectful answer about why it couldn’t be included; I recommend that you treat people with less offense.

United States

respectfully either do a different category if u want top times or buy a 360 for console "joystick only" wrs

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago

I was never intending to offend, I think we just got off on the wrong foot. I saw what looked like a really naive and self-serving category request coupled with a blatant lie and I assumed the worst, so that's my bad. I apologize for not giving you the benefit of the doubt.

To be clear though, I also just disagree with the idea of a category like this existing on principle, and I think I speak for most of the community when I say that. Wanting to play the game sub-optimally on purpose is fine, but it's not a good reason to change the leaderboard. Any% and Glitchless being separate categories makes sense, because the run is fundamentally different and there are unique strats and different skillsets used for each playstyle. Keyboard and controller have some minor differences, some things are a bit harder or a bit slower, but you're still doing the exact same route and the same tricks in mostly the same way to achieve the same goal. As far as I'm concerned that means it's the same category, and I don't think the leaderboard should pretend that they aren't just to possibly maybe attract more people who might not even exist.

Ultimately there is nothing stopping those people from just learning kb/m. Everyone who has a PC has a keyboard, and it's honestly not hard to learn if you just sit down and commit to it (as I mentioned, that's what I did, and a lot of other top runners also started as console players, so far nobody's really had much trouble with it). And if they don't want to, that's okay, there is also nothing stopping them doing controller-only runs and submitting them. Any disadvantage from that only matters if they're trying to compete for top times, and if someone's completely unwilling to even try to learn a new playstyle, then, to put it bluntly, they aren't competing for top times anyway.

Splitting up categories like this to theoretically accommodate more people can sound good on paper, but in reality it just dliutes the leaderboard and makes the top times less meaningful. Changing the boards also just doesn't ever attract more competition. What the community does informs the leaderboard, not the other way around.

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago
DanAck22, JohnStephenEvil en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Arkansas, USA

I agree with ShikenNuggets because i was a Console only player. i played Arkham City since it released on the Xbox360 and as a new speedrunner i was dreaded by the fact that i had to learn keyboard and mouse it is still taking time but eventually i will be able to get it down i run the game almost everyday and i get better with it almost everytime it is just learning what binds work for you and i eventually found a bind set that works i eventually will end up changing it for time saving sake but right now i am adapting pretty well just work with it and you will eventually end up adapting. im aiming for WR myself but im not gonna complain if i cant play the game faster than someone else it just means i need more experience with it.

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