This sounds really cool! I think the goombas should be killed, but birds get very weird and and hard to speedrun despawning.
For birds, I guess you can just activate them and then go out of the screen where the bird is
Wow! I think this is a pretty good idea! Killing all goombas forces speedrunners to find new strategies in every single level. :D
Yeah - for birds, they automatically despawn if they move off-screen. For level 7 at the end tho, i'm not sure if it would actually work or you would have to either wait or go left (both really weird ideas). Then again "most of the time" birds are really easy to despawn (first sentence).
So... as long as you keep going, it counts as despawning a bird? I guess, but that undermines the entire purpose of the category. Also perhaps we should consider adding pacifist% with this. :)
Pacifist is not killing goombas; it doesn't include anything else.
@Swskrei, ask @Chiken_11 or the other main mods. @underministic, I don't know if we should make this a category yet. Tt seems like a lot of work and as of right now is just theory, with no set rules yet. It needs a basic set of rules and agreement by moderator(s) before we make it a category.
... Making a category is insanely easy. There isn't really anything hard about it.
Who cares how old this idea is.
it sounds like a fun idea! maybe not the birds/pips though, just the enemies, I think that would be really fun, especially for levels like Wall Jump, which has 11 goombas!
I will retime at least the top three runs to the hundredth of a second for greater leaderboard accuracy. Additionally, a new indicator will be added next to each run to show whether it has been retimed. This will take a while to do, but I will eventually finish and might even move on to retiming eve