Can we get a 100%/All Level Items category for this game
Would be nice to have a 100% category, since I'm running for that and not Any%. Also if naming is an issue we can separate from 100% and "True 100%", but I don't see a point, because I don't foresee anyone grinding for all items in the shop, but maybe someone will be interested in doing that.
I think having an "All Collectables" category would be better, 100% is time trials and combo chains too which, y'know...
_doubt_ vinden dit leuk
@doubt, Cracked status does not count for 100%. You do need to play all levels in Time Trial and Combo Chain, as well as collect all Pauls and Spray Cans/Cassete in Brulo's Shop. It's quite a task.
Also getting a category for all collectables makes sense, we will see about adding that soon enough. I would go for BYOBs suggestion here.
Recente runs
Niveau: The Mysterious Glasshouse
Niveau: Concrete Jungle
Niveau: The Mad Mall
Niveau: Boiler City
Niveau: The Mysterious Glasshouse