I was playing the game casually and the first time I beat the game was this weird glitch where the boss died after like 2 hits and something clearly went wrong. I tried recreating it but couldn't. Figured I'd share incase someone wants to experiment
Played on Mega SG with an Everdrive Pro if it matters
Wow. That's really interesting. I wonder if it's related to the fact that his hit killed you at the same time you landed your hit. I want to look into this. Thanks for sharing it.
I can confirm this can be replicated, as I was able to do it at least twice so far...just working on a consistent setup for this estimating around a 5 second save. Also, you do not have to die to have this glitch kill performed, but will be required to take damage.
i have an other glitch that happened to me that could be great for speedrun! I was playing casually and in the stage 3, when a beat the boss it put me instantly in the next level. All the animation when nef's face came out of a beam of light and took all your power up and you follow him in is hole was gone. I tried to replicate it and done it like 2-3 times max but could not record it. I do not know what cause that glitch.
Yeah that glitch has been recorded before (accidentally, in co-op), but no one really knows what's going on or how to duplicate it. You've gotten it in 1P too ptitpetter2? May be some global timer shenanigans, subpixel movement or input timing....who knows. I've tried some testing with positioning and movement to copy the recording or use elements of what was done to try to trigger it, but have never gotten it to happen. It would be a huge time save though, probably a good 10s.
yeah I got it in 1p mode. I defeated the boss by doing like the spin jump attack but thats about it. i tried some run to replicate it but it is pretty rare.
We have some questions about this glitch.
- Do We need to make hit after 1F after the boss puches to happen this glitch?
- in COOP, can it happen either 1P or 2P players? When We(EBINANAKOTO, Akira) tested on the switch version, this glitch happened only with 1P player.
- Do the first player positions in the setups posted in the guide need to match precise?
- We have tried the setup(in COOP), but no matter how we try,Boss's punch is 2frames slower to hit. what improvements can you suggest?
This is insane, y'all. Also, I tried it on the Arcade, and it doesn't wanna work, possibly because it has to be off of a kick knockdown after punches, and he'll read your inputs and punch if you're standing, kick if you're crouching. So I'll have to figure out how to manipulate him into doing a kick-knockdown near the left edge of the screen, then hug him.