Slight Amendment in the Rules
1 year ago
New York, USA

This isn't a major change, but is important for anyone running full world ILs in the future:

"Full game runs will use RTA, and IL runs will use IGT. ILs of entire world may use either; IGT will always be faster in those instances, but will also be more time consuming to time for players and moderators alike, so this distinction is purely for ease of submissions. If a run is submitted that's faster in RTA than the WR but slower in IGT, a retime in IGT may be used if applicable."

I literally only did this because a new WR was submitted with RTA and I really didn't want to put in the IGT lol.

In all seriousness, I think this will be good for accessibility to the category. Again, IGT can be implemented at any time, so I may even go back and retime any runs that use RTA. That said, if you want your run measured in IGT, I suggest doing so yourself and presenting your math to make submissions under IGT easier. This rule may change in the future if I can find an easy way to automate measurements of IGT, which would render the accessibility and IRL time issues moot.

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