Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to start a run by loading a savefile that saved before starting the first mission, allowing me to customize controls in-game. Asking this since you can customize controls only after starting a new game or loading an existing savefile, and the custom control scheme is saved directly into the savefile. I double checked that loading a savefile that saved before starting Mission 1 still triggers all the cutscenes and dialog boxes that are triggered with a fresh new savefile, so there is no time difference by doing so. Asking this because I prefer to invert the Yaw and Thrust buttons, and to invert the Pitch axis. Thanks!
I don't see why not, it seems fine to me. I'll have to make a change to the rules to reflect this change, which I'll probably get around to soon, but if you want to do a full game run after changing controls feel free to submit it.
New timing for start of the run should be the black screen after selecting the file to load on the file select screen.