Load Times & Local
4 years ago
United States

Recently my friend and I got and played this game through and I proposed we started speed running it. We started at the level leader board and decided to make our way up it, there was only two guys running them on PC so we thought it would be easy yet we would always be about 10 - 8 seconds behind them, so we were wondering "How did they shave so much time?", we came to the conclusion that their load times were about 7 seconds faster than ours. This may of been because they were on local and there is not a separation of local and online in the Level Leader boards. So we thought how could we fix this, and I propose this, We should cut load times out of the the run and start the times when the cut scene starts. The time it takes to load is a variable that can't be really calculated it's determined by how fast your PC or console may be, and its just luck that may get you a fast time. I hope you consider this, and if you don't like it at least separate Online and Local in level leader boards.

GS_Pingwineq en SlappySmith vindt dit leuk
Keski-Suomi, Finland

Yes please, why is this not a thing? I literally can not compete against the chapter select runs because im always 10 seconds behind them before we can even move... Why cant the timer starr running for example when you can move for the first time?

GS_Pingwineq vinden dit leuk
New Zealand

agreed, i say the timer should start when the loading symbol disappears as this seems to be a pretty consistent measure of time. i say the same should be for full game when the loading symbol is on the screen the timer should be paused, don't know how hard this would be to implement with autosplitters/retiming past runs

edit: for local runs only most likely

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago
GS_Pingwineq vinden dit leuk
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