🎃 𝐸𝒳𝒯𝐸𝒩𝒮𝐼𝐵𝐿𝐸 𝐻𝒜𝐿𝐿𝒪𝒲𝐸𝐸𝒩🎃 (SIN LIMITES) DIA 23🔶 !meta !mp !extensible 👻 // Redes: @_gallardd #keymailer
New categories and recent changes
Hi everyone!
Theres been plenty of changes on the leaderboards recently! Firstly, we've recently added the Ironman challenge as a speedrun category to the main leaderboards! There's two different variants of this challenge. In Classic Ironman you land on each moon only once, while in *Hardcor
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