Tutorial stamina patch
I've compared my run from 4 days ago and the one i'm trying today, however my stamina seems to have changed during the last patch. It's shorter now
Reviving this old thread here, but it turns out that armor stats from your loadout, carry over to the Tutorial. So faster armors will transfer to the tutorial
Yeah it is a strange one for sure, but hey.. At least they didn't carry the Eagle Storm over there :D
Free Stratagems/DSS Support Banned, Increased Proof Standards, New Rule and Poll in Discord
Happy 1 year anniversary for Helldivers speedrunning! Here are all the updates:
Since the community decided to ban these instead of adding the DSS as an annotation, we will be adding this to the game rules:
**Use of the DSS and free stra
Recente runs
Niveau: Terminate Illegal Broadcast
Niveau: Terminate Illegal Broadcast
Niveau: Terminate Illegal Broadcast
Niveau: Retrieve Valuable Data