Current (re-)timing rules, specifically Any% PC
Current (re-)timing rules, specifically Any% PC
Updated 1 year ago by darkshoxx

The following has been agreed on by the mods of this board in the discord.


The time of a run is defined as the framecount divided by the framerate, rounded to 3 decimal places, of the VOD that was submitted. (* see below for examples)


The start- and end -frames are defined in relation to the first and last click. For the regular Any% that is the click that links to Myst Island and the click that gives Atrus the page. The former is a transition from a book-frame to a blackscreen-frame, the latter is a transition from the "page on the cursor"-frame to a "regular hand cursor"-frame (and possibly a "page in Atrus' hand"-frame). The first frame of the run is the blackscreen-frame, the last frame of the run is the first "regular hand cursor"-frame after holding the page. (** see below for details)


It is recommended to use Gelly's amendment to Exodus' UserScript with a browser-extension like Tampermonkey:

  1. Get Tampermonkey
  2. Copy the script in Gelly's comment at the bottom of this page:
  3. Open Tampermonkey, select "create new script", paste the code.

With the Youtube video open, navigate to the desired frames. (use "," and "." to in/decrease by one frame) While on the first frame of the run (see FRAMES above), click the section labelled 1 in this reference picture:

While on the last frame, click the section labelled 2. The number underlined in green is the retrimed time. It is calculated as (number of frames)/framerate = (5096-358)/(60) =4738 / 60 = 78.967 rounded to 3 places.

It is currently not able to time twitch-VODs (please use the frame-by-frame browser extension) and has a fixed framerate (so for other framerates, please perform the division of frames by framerate and rounding yourself). You can also use frame-by-frame to retime YouTube vods, but it requires more work.


(*) If you record a run with 120 FPS and upload it to YT, it will be converted to 60 FPS, and will be retimed based on the uploaded VOD, i.e. at 60 FPS.

(**) There's a chance of frames after which the page has left the cursor but not yet entered Atrus' hand. The frame at which the page enters Atrus' hand is irrelevant. The one that counts is the one where the page leaves the player's hand, as no further relevant inputs can be made after this frame.

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