New Michael Jackson's Moonwalker World Record by Eddward (Easy%)
4 years ago
Ohio, USA

My 2 year reign ended today. Comments?

Spoiler: I will get the WR back.

Świętokrzyskie, Poland

The new WR is still kinda janky, so there is a lot to improve. And we know the new possible SoB is 18:3X, so... yeah. Spoiler: we know. Oh, we know :P

Ohio, USA

For reference, the in-game time is calculated to be 16:52, which is 7 seconds faster than the 16:59 in-game time of my run. Since both runs were done on emulator, there is no real difference compared to real time.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Florida, USA

So how is that new WR grind going sandbag? :b