Possible glitch?
4 years ago
Iowa, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

A few times here and there I've gotten a glitch where the game seems to let me double jump? I haven't been able to replicate it but it mostly happens during the eagle fight. None on stream yet, but I'm hoping to catch it at some point so I can start figuring out what is happening.

(It's also possible I just thought I saw it, but it seems worth investigating.)

0hMalleyCat likes this
Iowa, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

I finally managed to catch it on video. Sharing here in the interest of figuring out how/why this happens and if it might have applications somewhere in the run.

SioN likes this
Texas, USA

Cool! Maybe it's a frame perfect input? Maybe it has something to do with something invisible being there in the level that let you jump off it? Post here if you figure more out!

Iowa, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

After some experimentation, it appears that the eagle's hitbox moves across the screen from it when diving. If you notice in the video above, when the double jump happens, the eagle takes damage! It's a small thing but interesting. I'm hoping to understand that thing's hitboxes more because currently they're so tough to deal with!

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